Friday, November 11, 2011

Finding the real, new, me.

  I value originality. I love the quirky, weird and the obscure. With the same passion I have to love the unexpected and unknown, I HATE cliches; " peas in a pod",  "make my day", " keep your fingers crossed". That's why every time I heard someone say,  "You have to love yourself first"  over the past 50 years I've ignored it.  It's just another saying.  Anyway, there's no room to love yourself when you're so busy taking care of a dysfunctional mother, lovers,  friends and then raising two kids.

  At 51, with both my children grown and gone from home, I was alone for the first time in my life. I had a choice, a fork in the road.  One road led to self knowledge, peace and healthy living. The other road, led to another addicted, selfish, angry, critical, mess to clean up. You know, something to keep me busy for 20 or 30 years! I ran frantically into the eye of the hurricane.

  This blog is about me finding my way back to myself and learning to love ME.

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