Friday, December 23, 2011

What does crack smell like?

  Well, things just continue to get more interesting here in Splitsville!

  Why does the house smell like burning plastic?!? Funny, I never smell it during the day but once I'm tucked all snugly in my bed there it is again. I jump up and race through the house once again, this time determined to find it. Is there a bread wrapper melting on the stove?  No.  Did one of the grand kids leave a crayon on the wood stove?  No.  Is the wiring in the house on fire?!!?!!  I search like a bloodhound and narrow it down to my soon to be ex husband's bedroom. Just before I fling open the door to tell him he's on fire, it hits me.

  I walk to the computer room and Google," What does crack smell like?" Yes my friends that's right, burning plastic. To be fair it could be meth.

  After 23 years of being drug free, here I am inhaling an addicts disgusting fumes.

  My husband who has been clean for 12 years, has not and is not.

  The good news is, March is closer then ever. Freedom from his lies and manipulation is dead ahead.

  I studied and passed the Paraprofessional test and am now employed with the local school district and have applied for an even better paying job with them. I'm going to be just fine.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's Therapy Thursday!

As I was sitting in the waiting room today, waiting to get my weekly pep talk. I heard this strange conversation;

   elderly woman; "You heard about Joanne's son?  He's living on the coast now."

   elderly man (sitting across the room); "Dave said he's tired of driving that road."

   elderly woman's husband; "He's going to college down there."

   elderly man;" When I got home yesterday, my girlfriend was packing her suitcase, she said she's leaving me."

   elderly woman; " Why?"

   elderly man;" She said I'm a pedophile. I said, that's a pretty big word for a twelve year old"

Just as he delivered his punch line the nurse called the elderly woman back so the rest of us in the waiting room sat in silence.

After an awkward minute or two the elderly man went to the receptionists window and said loudly
 "Does anybody know I'm here!"

I just wanted to write this down because awesome things like this don't happen everyday.