Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's Therapy Thursday!

As I was sitting in the waiting room today, waiting to get my weekly pep talk. I heard this strange conversation;

   elderly woman; "You heard about Joanne's son?  He's living on the coast now."

   elderly man (sitting across the room); "Dave said he's tired of driving that road."

   elderly woman's husband; "He's going to college down there."

   elderly man;" When I got home yesterday, my girlfriend was packing her suitcase, she said she's leaving me."

   elderly woman; " Why?"

   elderly man;" She said I'm a pedophile. I said, that's a pretty big word for a twelve year old"

Just as he delivered his punch line the nurse called the elderly woman back so the rest of us in the waiting room sat in silence.

After an awkward minute or two the elderly man went to the receptionists window and said loudly
 "Does anybody know I'm here!"

I just wanted to write this down because awesome things like this don't happen everyday.


  1. hahaha brilliant. The fact it was an old man talking to an old women about it makes it even funnier.

  2. Hahaha, this made me laugh out loud at my screen :D Fantastic. :)

    Also, thank you for your lovely comment in my blog. It means a lot to me. :) I'll be adding you to my blogroll so I can find my way back again!
